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2015-10-10 16:45  
序号 论 文 题 目 期刊名称 第一作者 其他作者 (按序排列) 年/卷/期/页码 期刊影响因子 ISSN 收录情况及期刊级别 检索号
1 Effects of Ocean Acidification on Toxicity of Heavy Metals in the Bivalve Mytilus Edulis L Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry 韩照祥 Dan-Dan Wu,Jue Wu,Chun-Xia Lv,Yu-Rong Liu 2014, 44:133–139 0.518 1553-3174 SCI 三区 000327868100024
2 Adsorption Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Acid Blue 25 and Methylene Blue dye Solutions on Natural Sepiolite Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry 韩照祥 Zhen Zhu,Dan-Dan Wu,Jue Wu,Yu-Rong Liu 2014, 44:140–147 0.518 1553-3174 SCI 三区 000327868100025
3 Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Property of a Binuclear Copper Complex [Cu2L2 (pht)2]2 H2O 结构化学 胡喜兰 施鹏飞,姜琴,许瑞波,尹福军,王大奇 2014,33:1281-1286 0.477 0254-5861 SCI 四区 000342335900003
4 对本科生毕业论文选题以及遏制学术不端出版行为的建议 广东化工 李海虹 2014,41(287):282-284
5 化工《特种设备安全技术》教学探索与研究 广州化工 李娜 李艳辉,李金志,杨涛,赵宏 2014,42(12),203-204
6 抑制氧化甲基橙光度法测定贝类中牛磺酸 现代食品科技 李咏梅 祝龙生,李人宇 2014,30(4):291-295 EI 20142117743080
7 Extraction and determination of copper(II) in seafood using an acetone-(NH4)2SO4 aqueous-two phase system JOURNAL OF APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 刘英红 2014,81(5) 0021-9037 SCI 四区
8 关于仪器分析方法应用的教学探讨 广东化工 刘英红 2014,41(7)
9 Facile assembly for fast construction of
intercalation hybrids of layered double hydroxides with anionic metalloporphyrin
马娟娟 刘霖,李善忠等 2014,43:9909-9915 SCI 二区 DOI: 10.1039/c4dt00967c
10 Two Spectrophotometric Methods for the Assay of Benzalkonium Chloride in Bandage Samples Journal of Surfactants and Detergents 马卫兴 Xiaodong Ma,Ou Sha,Yinghong Liu 2014,17(1):177–181 1.352 1097-3958 SCI 四区 WOS:000329238500020
11 虎红定量光度法测定乳糖酸阿奇霉素 淮海工学院学报(自然科学版) 马卫兴 2014, 23(1):46–49
12 Determination of Sunset Yellow and Tartrazine in Food
Samples by Combining Ionic Liquid-Based Aqueous Two-Phase System with High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 沙鸥 陈太卫,马卫兴,陈丽 2014, Article ID 964273,8pages 0.948 2090-8865 SCI 四区
13 高效液相色谱法测定黄鱼中非法添加染料碱性嫩黄O含量 食品科技 沙鸥 朱霞石,冯艳丽,马卫兴 2014,39(4):281-283 核心
14 大黄鱼中硫磺素T残留的HPLC分析 湖北农业科学 沙鸥 陈太卫,冯艳丽,马卫兴,朱霞石 2014, 53(16): 3910-3911 0.593 0439-8114 核心
15 案例教学法在制药工程专业无机及分析化学教学中的应用研究 时珍国医国药 沙鸥 马卫兴,李艳辉,刘英红,杨运琼 2014,25(1):204-206 Jan-00 1008-0805 核心
16 Synthesis, crystal structure and antitumor ability of a fluorescent organotin compound Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 施鹏飞 姜琴,段海潮,田玉鹏 2014,30(5),984-992 0.742 1001-4861 SCI 四区
17 基于生活教育论的《防火与防爆技术》课程教学改革与实践 考试周刊 施鹏飞 姜琴 2014,75,7-8
18 Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity of fluorescent
organotin complexes of terpyridine derivatives
Chinese Chemical Letters 施鹏飞 姜琴,段海潮,王大奇 2014, 25,586–588 1.178 1001-8417 SCI 四区
19 醉香含笑树皮提取物诱导HepG2细胞凋亡的作用机制 中国现代应用药学 宋晓凯 2014年第7期 核心
20 醉香含笑心材挥发性成分GC-MS分析及抑制MDA-MB-231细胞生长与诱导其凋亡作用 中国现代应用药学 宋晓凯 2014年第8期 核心
21 CeO2 hollow nanospheres decorated reduced graphene oxide composite for efficient photocatalytic dye-degradation. Materials Letters 王明艳 Zhu Wei,Zhang DongEn,Li ShuAn,Ma WeiXing,Tong ZhiWei,Chen Jun 2014,137:229–232, 2.269 0167-577X SCI 二区
22 One-pot synthesis of α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles-decorated reduced graphene oxide for efficient nonenzymatic H2O2 biosensor. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 王明艳 Tao Shen,Meng Wang,Dong-En Zhang.Zhi-wei Tong.Jun Chen 2014, 190: 645-650. 3.84 0925-4005 SCI 一区 000326687700086
23 Electrochemical nonenzymatic sensor based on CoO decorated reduced graphene oxide for the simultaneous determination of carbofuran and carbaryl in fruits and vegetables. Food Chemistry 王明艳 JunRao Huang,Meng Wang,DongEn Zhang,Jun Chen 2014, 151:191-197. 3.259 0308-8146 SCI一区 000331595700029
24 Mineralogical and chemical composition of magnetic fly ash fraction Environmental Earth Sciences 王学松 2014, 71(4): 1673-1681 1.572 1866-6280 SCI 四区 WOS:000330780800016
25 Metal geochemical and mineral magnetic characterization of the < 2.5 µm fraction of urban soils in Xuzhou (China) Environmental Earth Sciences 王学松 2014, 71 (8): 3491-3501. 1.572 1866-6280 SCI 四区 WOS:000333475800017
26 Heavy metal geochemistry and mineral magnetic characterization of urban soil in Xuzhou, China Environmental Earth Sciences 王学松 2014, 72 (7): 2697-2709 1.572 1866-6280 SCI 四区 WOS:000342166000036
27 Heavy metals in Xuzhou urban roadside topsoils (China): Magnetic characterization and enrichment mechanism Environmental Earth Sciences 王学松 Jing Fu 2014, 72(9): 3307 - 3316 1.572 1866-6280 SCI 四区 WOS:000343899900006
28 In-situ nitration and syntheses of new Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes assembled from 3-methyl-1-phenyl-5-pyrazolone and cobalt or nickel nitrate under solvothermal conditions Inorganic Chemistry Communication 许瑞波 2014.4 SCI 三区
29 3-甲基-1-苯基-5-吡唑酮锌(II)配合物的合成及性质 精细化工. 许瑞波 2014, 31(11) 核心
30 双对羟基苯甲醛Schiff 碱的合成与DNA作用 精细化工. 许瑞波 2014, 31(10) 核心
31 Structure, photoluminescent properties and photocatalytic activities of a new Cd(II) metal–organic framework Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 张成燕 Wei Xing Ma,Ming Yan Wang,Xu Jie Yang,Xing You Xu 118 (2014) 657–662 2.129 1386-1425 SCI 二区 000328005400088
32 Enhanced photocatalytic capability of SiO2/CQD
J Nanopart Res 张东恩 16期2365页 SCI 二区
33 Enhanced photocatalytic ability from carbon-doped ZnO photocatalyst synthesized without an external carbon precursor Functional Materials Letters 张东恩 Vol. 7, No. 3,1450026 (4 pages) SCI 二区
34 Synthesis,characterization and antibacterial activity of novel coumarin Asian J. Chem. 张田林 Huimin Ma,Caiyan Zhu,Jiajia Wang,Bingbing Wang 2013, 25(18):10144-10146. 0.355 0970-7077 SCI 四区 000332937600024
35 Surface modification of APA-TFC membrane with quaternary ammonium cation and salicylaldehyde to improve performance J.Membr. Sci. 张田林 Caiyan Zhu,Huimin Ma,Ruiyang Li,Baoguo Dong,Yanfeng Liu,Shanzhong Li 2014,457(1):88-94 4.908 0376-7388 SCI 二区 000333487800010
36 Adsorption properties for heavy metal ions from aqueous solution of the novel chelating resin loaded quaternary ammonium salt Desalination and Water Treatment
张田林 Huimin Ma,Caiyan Zhu,Jiajia Wang,Bingbing Wang 2014, 37-39:1-8.
0.988 1944-3994 SCI 四区 刚刚刊出,等候检索
37 A novel glucose biosensor constructed by glucose oxidase immobilized with methylene blue intercalated layered lanthanum niobic acid nanocomposite. Materials Letters 张晓波 Liqun Shen,Mingyan Wang,Gaowa Siqin,Zhiwei Tong,Ruibo Xu,Dongen Zhang, Juanjuan Ma,Lin Liu 2014, 135: 39-42 2.269 0167-577X SCI 二区 000342529200011
38 Characterization of a Layered Methylene Blue/Vanadium Oxide Nanocomposite and its Application in a Reagentless H2O2 Biosensor Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 张晓波 Dan Li,Fujun Yin,Junyan Gong,Xujie Yang,Zhiwei Tong,Xingyou Xu 2014,172(1):176-187 1.687 0273-2289 SCI 三区 000331005200015
39 A manganese porphyrin intercalated lanthanum niobic acid nanocomposite utilized for electrocatalytic oxidation of nitrite ECS Electrochemistry Letters 张晓波 Jiasheng Xu, Mingyan Wang,Gaowa Siqin, Ruibo Xu, Juanjuan Ma,Lin Liu,Dongen Zhang,Zhiwei Tong 2014, 3 (8): H17-H19 1.54 2162-8726 000339000400006
40 Statistical mechanical theory of fluid mixtures Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 赵跃强 Zhengming Wu,Weiwei Liu 393卷, 62-75 页 1.722 0378-4371 SCI 三区 WOS:000328179200006
41 Optimal parameters for preparation of magnesium chloride whisker composites using metal ion catalysis method asian journal of chemistry 朱平华 SCI 四区
42 溶剂介质法制备碱式氯化镁晶须的工艺研究 盐业与化工 朱平华 12
43 Studies on new reagent beryllon III and its applications in water sample Asian Journal of Chemistry 陈文宾 Hai Wang, Yu-Ling Du Vol.26 ,No.1(2014):216-218 2.647 0970-7077 SCI 四区
44 Determination of Trace Chromium(VI) with 3-Methoxy-Azomethine H in Surface-Active Agents Asian Journal of Chemistry 陈文宾 Hai Wang, Yu-Ling Du Vol.26 ,No.1(2014):227-229 2.647 0970-7078 SCI 四区
45 分光光度法对面粉中微量溴酸钾的测定 湖北农业科学 杨运琼 徐丽 2014,53(9):2143-2145 0.593 0439-8114 核心
46 Removal of Pb(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II) from aqueous solutions by amorphous tin(IV) hydrogen phosphate immobilized on silica Water Air Soil Pollut 祝春水 Xian Dong,Li-Ping Wang (2014)225:1988 1.658 0049-6979
1 《化工仪表及自动化》课程教学探讨 创新与创业教育 王寿武 第2期
2 矿卤滩晒副产物制备硫酸钙晶须的实验室研究 盐业与化工 王寿武 李章,庞恬婷,李洪东,陆晓慧,周晓丽 2014, 43(3):5–6,9

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